A red and white logo for digital republic on a white background.

Elevate Fashion


Elevate is an Asian fashion retailer that got in touch to discuss how to grow sales and awareness of its online store and boutique shop in Birmingham. However, as they currently have a legacy e-commerce store linked to their EPOS system, they were limited to what could be done with any new e-commerce strategy quickly.

They also identified a disjointed approach to social media. Still, with 1000+ followers on Instagram and a small audience on TikTok, they felt they wanted a more engaging Digital Strategy for the brand.


Firstly the interim solution was to create a more engaging landing page so customers could get a better understanding of Elevate both online and


A video was created by Elevate, which is now at the forefront for customers to view online.

We then linked various pages from the new landing pages to their current legacy e-commerce store; not an ideal solution, but behind the scenes, this gives us time to build their new store while maintaining and growing online sales.

We then linked all Social onto our distribution platform, and put together a regular marketing solution focussing on product awareness, new collections and quality.

With a slight change to the brand and a new digital strategy, it is helping Elevate maintain current sales and grow sales and new customers moving forward.

Ultimately this gives a firm platform for online growth while we can roll out a more comprehensive online solution with the directors.




Since taking over the social media and launching a new landing page, we’ve boosted Elevate's audience; our partnership has also increased sales for the brand.

Elevate logo
A cell phone with a picture of a woman on the screen.
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